Sunday, February 19, 2012

Quilts finished..........

Here are a few quilts that I finished up and put in the library quilt show, along with a few others. Dawn helped my out quilting some of the baby quilts, like this one:
and this one:

Here is a machine-applique little table topper, a Kim Diehl pattern. It is not quilted, just "tied" with buttons.

A patriotic table runner, which I quilted on my own sewing machine. I think I was very brave to try it, inspired by Jamie, who is doing her own quilting. Not too bad, I guess.
This is larger than it looks, about 58 inches across. I big-stitched the colored areas, and then Dawn machine quilted the background. It was a sample for my disappearing 9-patch class.
This is another D9P baby quilt, machine quilted by Dawn.

Now I have to put away the quilty stuff for a while, but I do have a few projects to take with me :)